Anti-Sexting Schemes

The US Patent Office has Approved a Control Filter for Apple

The US Patent and Trademark Office has approved the option of a control filter for Apple phones.

Developed as a means to protect the youth from coarse communication, whether accidental or intentional, this control filter for Apple products is essentially a tool for parents to activate on their children’s phones. The app will predict words of a more innocuous nature and disable the ability for the texter to input lewd language.

Photo Credits:

Electronic District Sides | Mom Logic | News
Trend Themes
1. Control Filters for Smartphones - Developing control filters to enable parents to protect their children from coarse communication on their phones through machine learning prediction and removal of lewd language.
2. Incorporating Parental Controls in Mobile Phones - Exploring ways to develop technologies to incorporate parental controls that can be easily activated on mobile phones.
3. AI-based Texting Controls - Incorporating AI-based predictive models to identify lewd language and to disable texting functions for younger smartphone users.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile Phone Industry - Mobile phone manufacturers can design smartphones with input filters activated by parents to limit their child's access to coarse communication.
2. Child Safety Industry - Companies that produce products to protect children may want to partner with mobile phone companies to offer control filters as a part of their product offerings.
3. AI and Machine Learning Industry - Incorporating AI and machine learning models in mobile phones can identify and remove lewd language in real-time, opening up opportunities in AI and machine learning industries.

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