Contortionist Music Videos

I Are Droid Features Extremely Bendable Bodies

I Are Droid's song Winter Ward Part II features a thoroughly eery music video produced by Peder Bergstrand and Oskar Wrango, who also directed and edited the music video.

The contortionist in the dreary empty room seems to have been possessed by the droid that circles her. The droid puppets the contortionist with a laser, which creates a disturbing futuristic exorcism-like scenery.

The crooked body of the contortionist is most definitely incorporated in the film to reference exorcism scenes and is given an interesting twist with the droid controller. The wicked flexibility of dancer Iona Kewney is frighteningly haunting in this video. The team overall has done a spectacular job with this rather memorable art piece.
Trend Themes
1. Contortionist Performances in Music Videos - Opportunity to create visually stunning and captivating music videos by incorporating contortionist performances.
2. Incorporating Robotics in Music Videos - Use of robotics to add a futuristic and surreal element to music videos, creating a unique viewing experience.
3. Merging Dance and Technology in Music Videos - Combining dance and technology to create innovative and memorable visuals in music videos.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Entertainment industry can explore new ways to incorporate contortionist performances and robotics in music videos to attract and engage audiences.
2. Film - Film industry can utilize contortionist performances and robotics to create visually striking and imaginative scenes in movies.
3. Dance - Dance industry can explore the integration of technology and contortionist techniques to create cutting-edge performances and choreography.

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