Sustainable Clothing Pop-Ups

Nike, Hurley & Otis College 'Considered' Exhibit Centers on Salvation

Sustainable, eco-friendly clothing is the focus of virtually every designer these days, so the 'Considered' exhibit by Nike, Hurley and the Otis College of Art and Design seems to be the beginning of something that might gain ground in the near future.

Held at Hurley's H Space Gallery in California, the 'Considered' exhibit is a joint venture by the two afformentioned sportswear brands and Otis College geared toward promoting sustainability practices in apparel production among both designers and consumers. The collection on display includes 18 outfits made by Otis College students who used Nike's Considered Index, metrics spanning fabric origins to the disposal of used clothing that help designers evaluate the impact of producing specific apparel products on the environment.
Trend Themes
1. Sustainable Clothing - The trend towards sustainable clothing will continue as more designers and brands focus on eco-friendly production and disposal practices.
2. Pop-up Shops - Pop-up shops will become a popular way for brands and designers to showcase sustainable clothing collections and reach new audiences.
3. 'considered' Index - The use of metrics like Nike's 'Considered' Index will become more commonplace in evaluating the sustainability of clothing production processes.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Sustainable clothing will disrupt the fashion industry as more consumers demand eco-friendly options and brands adjust their production practices.
2. Retail - The rise of pop-up shops will disrupt traditional retail models as brands seek to reach consumers in more unique and ephemeral settings.
3. Education - The use of metrics like Nike's 'Considered' Index in fashion education will disrupt traditional curriculum and inspire more sustainable production practices in future designers.

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