Mathematical Coin Sculptures

Robert Wechsler's Sculptures in Coins Series is Intricately Built

Robert Wechsler's coin sculptures are shaped to resemble molecules and atoms. The artist creates complex mathematical models using pennies, dimes and nickels, With names like "Money", "The Mendicant" and "Penny Molecule", it's no surprise that the sculptor's pieces have been displayed in reputable galleries and commissioned by publications like The New Yorker.

Using a saw as his tool, Robers molds his coin medium into square and circular forms. His coin sculptures take on the form of intricate models, reminding one of diagrams they would find inside of a science textbook.

When examining these art works at close range, their intricacies and dimensions are revealed while a look from a distance makes them almost appear as a two-dimensional image.
Trend Themes
1. Mathematical Coin Sculptures - The trend of creating intricate mathematical models using coins as a medium.
2. Science-inspired Art - The use of scientific concepts and diagrams in art.
3. Sculpting with Non-traditional Mediums - The art of creating sculptures with materials typically not associated with the art form.
Industry Implications
1. Art - The fine art industry can commission and display sculptures that are both visually appealing and conceptually interesting.
2. Education - Science educators can use these sculptures as teaching aids to help students visualize complex scientific concepts in a more tangible way.
3. Crafts - The crafting industry can incorporate the idea of creating art sculptures using non-traditional mediums to create unique and innovative products.

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