Cognizant CoachingComputers

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This Cognitive Assistance Computing System Uses Voice Control

'Gabriel' is the name of a high-tech wearable cognitive assistance computing system that is capable of observing what a person is doing before prompting them in order to help them complete tasks in real time or complete them with more efficiency with the aim of producing better results.

Developed by a $2.8 million grant from the National Science Foundation, Gabriel is capable of working in conjunction with wearable systems such as Google Glass, giving it the ability to monitor what the user is doing. The system will be fitted with improved computer vision as well as audio and location sensing for extra interactivity.

This cognitive assistance computing system could be of use in a variety of settings to improve efficiency at work and to cover user's backs when they inevitably make human errors.
Trend Themes
1. Wearable Cognitive Assistance - Opportunity to develop wearable systems that provide real-time prompts and instruction to improve task efficiency.
2. Enhanced Computer Vision - Opportunity to improve computer vision technology for better observation and monitoring of user activities.
3. Interactivity Sensors - Opportunity to develop advanced audio and location sensing technologies for more interactive cognitive assistance systems.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - Potential for wearable cognitive assistance systems to improve efficiency and reduce errors in medical settings.
2. Manufacturing - Opportunity to use wearable systems for real-time guidance and assistance in complex manufacturing tasks.
3. Customer Service - Potential for cognitive assistance systems to provide real-time support and error prevention in customer service interactions.

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