All-Natural Cocktail Syrups

These Syrups are Made with Cane Sugar and Cinchona Bark

These cocktail syrups offer a more nutritious alternative to most of the flavor-adding syrups on the market.

Called 'True Syrups & Garnishes,' the brand offers two different types of the sweet substances -- an "authentic grenadine syrup" and an "authentic tonic syrup." Both are based in cane sugar and cinchona bark, a shift away from the high fructose corn syrups and chemically based products that many other cocktail syrups contain. The diverse liquids are able to add flavor and substance to cocktails, making everything from Shirley temples and gin and tonics, or making flavorful additions to cider or wine.

These cocktails syrups work to add a vintage appeal to people's drinks and make for an excellent product for people who enjoy learning about and making various alcohols.
Trend Themes
1. All-natural Cocktail Syrups - Cocktail syrups are now shifting to all-natural ingredients as a healthier alternative to chemically-based products.
2. Authentic Grenadine Syrup and Tonic Syrup - Authentic grenadine syrup and tonic syrup, made with cane sugar and cinchona bark, offer a fresher and tasteful option for cocktail-making enthusiasts.
3. Vintage Appeal in Cocktails - Cocktail enthusiasts seek for a vintage and classic feel, and all-natural cocktail syrups offer a unique opportunity to add a touch of nostalgia to their drinks.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage - All-natural cocktail syrups offer a disruption opportunity for the beverage industry to ride the wave of health consciousness and deliver healthier products with natural ingredients.
2. Hospitality - Hospitality businesses can benefit from offering all-natural cocktail syrups with a vintage appeal as a unique selling point for customers seeking a refined, high-quality experience.
3. Retail - Retailers can capitalize on the consumer demand for healthier and all-natural products, and offer these cocktail syrups as a premium add-on product with higher margins.

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