Wish-Granting Greetings

Clinton Cards Will Make a Customer's Holiday Wish Come True

It's the holiday season and many brands are taking advantage of this spirited time with marketing initiatives that really focus on customer emotion. One such brand is Clinton Cards, a UK-based card retailer that has launched a competition to grant one of its customers a Christmas wish.

Clinton Cards is using Facebook as the primary tool for this marketing campaign. To enter the competition, Facebook users must simply "like" the Clinton Cards Facebook fan page and write a short statement on what would make his (or someone else’s) Christmas the best one ever. The winner will be granted his wish, a value of up to $15,600 USD. There are also 50 secondary prizes, which comprise "Santa's Sacks" worth about $15 USD each.

According to PSFK, so far some of the entries have included everything from going on vacation for Christmas to enjoying a Christmas feast with the whole family.
Trend Themes
1. Emotion-driven Marketing - Utilizing customer emotion to create impactful marketing initiatives during the holiday season.
2. Social Media Competitions - Using social media platforms like Facebook to engage customers in interactive competitions.
3. Wish-granting Campaigns - Granting customers' wishes as a promotional strategy to build brand loyalty.
Industry Implications
1. Card Retail - Creating wish-granting campaigns in the card retail industry to boost customer engagement.
2. Social Media Marketing - Leveraging social media platforms for interactive competitions in the marketing industry.
3. Gift and Promotion - Implementing wish-granting campaigns as part of gift and promotion strategies in various industries.

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