Travel-Inspired Treat Cutters

City Cookies by Italo Ottineti are Deliciously Worldly

City Cookies by Italo Ottinetti will make you a world-class travel in no time at all (only in your kitchen though). With a collection of cute cookie-cutters all shaped like Europe's most iconic architecture, you can enjoy world-famous architectural wonders from the comfort of your home. These cutters come beautiful packaged in a wood base with a map of Europe etched across it. This landscaped layout -- apart from housing your culinary accessories -- also labels specific regions across continent of Europe.

Individuals worldwide will be able to snack on these scrumptious sculptural representations all thanks to Italo Ottinetti. This cutter collection features six stainless steel cookie cutters in the shape of recognizable monuments such as the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Eiffel Tower and a variety of others. These treat presses are a must-have for any avid traveler and are sure to add a whimsical touch to cocktail parties and afternoon tea.
Trend Themes
1. Travel-inspired Treat Cutters - The trend of creating culinary accessories that celebrate iconic architecture will continue to grow.
2. Home-based Culinary Travel Experiences - Creating at-home culinary experiences inspired by famous landmarks will gain increasing popularity.
3. Unique Food Presentation - The trend of making food more visually appealing and unique will gain more traction.
Industry Implications
1. Kitchenware Manufacturing - Kitchenware manufacturers can create product lines featuring playful and creative culinary accessories that appeal to the travel enthusiast market.
2. Culinary Tourism - Food tourism companies can utilize these culinary accessories as part of a home-based culinary experience kit inspired by different travel destinations.
3. Event Planning - Event planning companies can incorporate such treats in their event offerings, allowing their clients to create aesthetically-pleasing one-of-a-kind snacks for their guests.

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