Computer LEGO Models

The Latest Chris McVeigh LEGO Art Work Gets Technological

The latest Chris McVeigh LEGO art work is a depiction of an original Apple computer. Chris McVeigh is a notorious author, illustrator and artist. His work is meant to inspire, enlighten and demonstrates the ability to turn ordinary objects into masterpieces.

His Mac model has received overwhelming response and he has decided to release kits for people to recreate their own versions at home. The stunning chunky and block piece resembles an authentic Mac, features an inventive circular keyboard and has a lovely "hello" message strewn across its screen. The work combines two pop culture phenomenons LEGO and Apple and merges them together in one marvelous art work.

The Chris McVeigh LEGO art work is inventive, recognizable and a nod to past technologies.
Trend Themes
1. Lego Technology Art - The art of combining popular technology brands with LEGO building blocks to create artwork.
2. DIY LEGO Kits - The production and release of DIY LEGO kits for people to recreate their own versions of popular technology products at home.
3. Pop Culture Merged with Technology - The trend of merging pop culture with technology, creating art and products that nod to past technologies.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Industry - The use of LEGO blocks and technology in toy production creating unique and innovative play experiences.
2. Art Industry - The incorporation of technology in art and design to create unique and thought-provoking pieces.
3. Tech Industry - The manufacturing and production of retro-inspired technology products combined with pop culture themes.

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