Millennial-Targeted Book Makeovers

These Covers Re-Imagine Children’s Books for 20-Year-Olds

Children’s books are for many, just as iconic as television and movies. For the current generation of 20-somethings, there was a certain group of books that stood out above the rest. Books like Oh the Places You Will Go and Where the Wild Things Are still hold a place in the pantheon of storied children books.

In this photo set, the books re-imagine these beloved children books for young adults. With titles like ‘Where the Cool Kids Are’ (Now) and ‘Oh, the People You’ll Get Your Hopes Up Over,’ we can see that the re-imagination of the books are directly aimed at Millenials. These books have their hand on the pulse of the young adult market and had these been real books for sale, they could have easily made a killing in the market.
Trend Themes
1. Millennial Book Makeovers - Opportunity for artists and designers to create modern and relatable book covers for classic children's books targeted at millennials.
2. Nostalgia Marketing - Opportunity for companies to tap into the nostalgia of millennials by reimagining popular books, movies, and TV shows from their childhood.
3. Adulting Literature - Opportunity for authors to write books that address the challenges and experiences of millennials transitioning into adulthood.
Industry Implications
1. Publishing - Opportunity for publishers to cater to the demand for millennial-targeted books and capitalize on the nostalgia trend.
2. Design - Opportunity for designers to create visually appealing and modern book covers that resonate with the millennial audience.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Opportunity for marketers to create campaigns that tap into millennial nostalgia and promote millennial-targeted books and related products.

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