Cheese Guide Infographics

This Cheese Wheel-Shaped Infographic Explains Popular Types of Cheeses

To help the world get a better grasp on the never-ending lists of worldly cheeses, graphic design firm Pop Chart Lab has created The Charted Cheese Wheel infographic as a helpful guide for people better understand the world of cheese.

While many enjoy munching on cheese and infusing it in their meals, most people stick to the basic cheeses like cheddar, mozzarella and Parmesan. To open up everyone's eyes to the countless cheese options available in the world, Pop Chart Lab designed this cheese wheel-themed chart as a simple, explanatory guide to cheese. First, cheeses are organized by the animal they are made from such as cow, goat, sheep and even buffalo, texture and then name. With handy pictures of what each cheese looks like and even an overall cheese color-scheme, no one will have trouble finding the perfect cheese for their next tasting.
Trend Themes
1. Cheese Diversity Awareness - Creating educational materials that increases people’s knowledge of the diverse cheese options available in the world.
2. Visual Guides for Food - Designing infographics that serve as quick reference guides for foods and ingredients.
3. Design for Education - Integrating visual design elements into educational materials in order to make them more effective.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Bringing the Cheese Wheel infographic approach into food and beverage menus to make it easier to conceptualize dishes and food pairings.
2. Graphic Design - Creating visually appealing infographics as a way to share knowledge and information.
3. Education - Developing educational materials designed to facilitate learning visually and through highly-detailed infographic imagery.

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