Hunger-Driven Food Drives

'The Extravagant Weight' Gets Hungry People to Make Charitable Donations

The idea behind 'The Extravagant Weight' project is to try and make it more convenient for people to make a charitable donation, feeding the hungry as they feed themselves. Instructed by Mihnea Gheorghiu with Gabriel Morais as the the copywriter and art director, this project a way to gain more donations to the Prato Cheio non-governmental organization that feeds the less fortunate in Brazil.

As customers are loading their plates at a buffet-style restaurant, they purchase tokens for different types of food that represent 100g each. If they go over the token weight, the extra money paid goes towards this charity that depends on donations alone. The Extravagant Weight project is intelligent in that it gets people to make a charitable donation when they're hungry.
Trend Themes
1. Hunger-driven Donations - Incorporating donations into everyday activities like eating creates a convenient way to give back.
2. Charity Tokenization - Using tokens to represent donations for different types of food can encourage more giving.
3. Socially Responsible Dining - Incentivizing customers to donate through their dining experience can promote corporate social responsibility.
Industry Implications
1. Food & Hospitality - Restaurants and food service providers have an opportunity to promote charitable donations through their offerings.
2. Non-profit & Charitable Organizations - Partnering with companies to create innovative fundraising initiatives can increase donations and awareness for charitable causes.
3. Marketing & Advertising - Creating socially responsible campaigns that encourage giving can improve a company's brand image and reputation.

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