Inspirational Graffiti Robots

Chalkbot Prints Your Texts on Route of Tour de France

Nike has teamed with Tour de France to display messages of hope, perseverance and love with the Chalkbot.

The Chalkbot is programmed with personalized messages that are then sprayed on the route of Tour de France. People can text their messages of inspiration for the riders to see as they whiz past. Check out the cool Chalkbot that will be spraying the love at Tour de France.

Implications - One of the best ways a company can generate lasting brand awareness and interest is through advertising that features a strong element of consumer interaction. By allowing consumers to share their thoughts and featuring them in the marketing, the company shows a willingness to listen and include the public's opinion and feelings in products created for them.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Advertising - Advertising that features consumer interaction can generate lasting brand awareness and interest.
2. Personalized Messaging - Allowing consumers to share their thoughts and featuring them in marketing shows a willingness to listen and include the public's opinion.
3. Incorporating Consumer Feedback - Including consumer opinion and feelings in products can create a stronger connection with the target audience.
Industry Implications
1. Sports Marketing - Incorporating interactive advertising and personalized messaging can enhance brand presence in the sports marketing industry.
2. Event Marketing - Utilizing consumer feedback to create personalized messaging at events can create a more engaging and memorable experience.
3. Technology in Advertising - By embracing interactive advertising techniques, the technology industry can create innovative solutions for brands to connect with their audiences.

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