Controlled CBD Chewing Gums

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This Sugar-Free Gum Offers Controlled Release Of Cannabinoids

Entourage Health Corporation, a Canadian company that specializes in the manufacture of high-quality cannabis products, has launched a delicious new CBD chewing gum that is designed to combine a trident of advantages in the form of utmost discretion, great flavor and controlled release of CBD isolate.

This CBD chewing gum is completely devoid of sugar but gets its great taste from a combination of eucalyptus, lemon and mint. Each piece of gum offers 20 milligrams of CBD that is delivered in a controlled manner. The CBD isolate was crafted as part of a collaboration with NordicCan, which specializes in oral and intra-oral wellness solutions.

According to Starseed CEO George Scorsis, the advent of this innovative product is proof of the company's continued focus on keeping up with the evolving tastes and needs of its consumers. "Introducing CBD chewing gum allows us to improve the patient experience with a consistent pipeline of products," Scorsis said in a press release.
Trend Themes
1. Controlled-release Cannabinoid Products - Companies can explore the development of other controlled-release cannabinoid products to expand their offerings and cater to specific user needs.
2. Sugar-free Cannabis Products - Manufacturers can create more sugar-free cannabis products to cater to health-conscious consumers and those with dietary restrictions.
3. Collaborations for Innovative Cannabis Products - Companies can form collaborations with experts in different fields, such as oral and intra-oral wellness experts, to create innovative and effective cannabis products.
Industry Implications
1. Cannabis Industry - Manufacturers can innovate new products that cater to the expanding user base in the cannabis industry, such as health-conscious consumers and those with dietary restrictions.
2. Oral Health Industry - Oral health experts and manufacturers can collaborate to create a new line of cannabis-based oral care products, such as toothpaste or mouthwash.
3. Pharmaceutical Industry - Pharmaceutical companies can explore the potential of cannabis products that are delivered in a controlled and precise manner for specific medical conditions.

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