Unconventional Career Salary Infographics

This Salary Infographic Looks at Odd Job Pay Rates

If you've ever wondered how much the career salary of unconventional jobs pay, this 'Non-Traditional Careers: Ever Wonder What Other People Make and What it Takes?' infographic will fill you in on how much unusual jobs pay.

As a child, many grow up with the hope of becoming a doctor, lawyer or accountant and racking in hundreds of thousands of dollars as an annual income. But as this 'Non-Traditional Careers' infographic demonstrates, there are many other high-paying career salaries that offer equally satisfactory incomes. Graphically designed as a city skyline, this infographic uses illustrations of buildings to show how high these odd jobs can pay. For example, did you know a radiational therapist makes over $80,000 a year? Or, that an aircraft pilot makes over $111,000? Also included are the types of education you'd need to get into these unconventional jobs.
Trend Themes
1. Unconventional-high-paying Jobs - Companies can explore the potential of creating new roles or upskilling existing employees by offering training for these high-paying unconventional jobs
2. Alternative Education - Disruptive innovation opportunities exist for businesses involved in vocational training and online education to provide learners with access to training for the job types highlighted in the article
3. Career Shift - This trend suggests the potential for a shift in career preferences, with people considering more unconventional high-paying jobs over traditional professions
Industry Implications
1. Education Technology - The education technology industry can leverage this trend by creating online programs specifically designed to train people for these unconventional high-paying jobs
2. Recruitment - Recruitment agencies can look at this trend and analyze it to determine ways in which they can source and place candidates for jobs in these unconventional high-paying sectors.
3. HR Consulting - HR consulting can use this trend for advising their clients on ways to offer their employees a path to unconventional high-paying job roles within their organizations.

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