Carbon-Fiber Keyboards

The InduKey InduDur Has Stainless Steel Caps

Want a really durable, almost unbreakable keyboard? Then the InduDur carbon-fiber keyboard is just what you’re looking for. This carbon-fiber keyboard is manufactured by InduKey and combines lightweight carbon-fiber with stainless steel keycaps and an epoxy resin trackball.

The InduDur carbon-fiber keyboard is available is three finishes: matte carbon black, high-gloss carbon silver and high-gloss carbon black. Because of its durable materials, the InduDur is the perfect keyboards for systems that are put through a lot of wear and tear such as service terminals, kiosks, public computers and point-of-information consoles.
Trend Themes
1. Durable Keyboards - The trend of durable keyboards presents an opportunity for manufacturers to create innovative, unbreakable keyboard designs.
2. Carbon-fiber Technology - The trend of using carbon-fiber in keyboards offers a disruptive innovation opportunity for companies to develop lightweight and durable input devices.
3. Resilient Input Devices - The trend of resilient input devices, such as the InduDur carbon-fiber keyboard, highlights the need for robust and long-lasting keyboards in various industries.
Industry Implications
1. Manufacturing - The manufacturing industry can embrace the trend of durable keyboards to create innovative products for industrial and commercial use.
2. Technology - The technology industry can explore the disruptive potential of carbon-fiber keyboards to enhance user experience and product durability.
3. Public Computing - The trend of resilient input devices opens opportunities for the public computing industry to improve the durability of keyboards in service terminals, kiosks, and public computers.

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