CD Ocean Art

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The Bruce Munro CDSea is an Artistic Ocean of Used Compact Disks

Bruce Munro's CDSea comprises literally a sea of CDs in various patterns on the ground. The artist has set up his CDSea in a field in the UK. The installation is made up of 600,000 CDs, which create quite a sight as the sun's rays reflect off of their surfaces, creating a brilliant light display.

The Bruce Munro CDSea was created with thousands of unused CDs that had been sent to him from people all over the world. The crowdsourced project turned into this beautiful art installation that is truly stunning to look at.
Trend Themes
1. Sustainable Art - The CDSea installation showcases the use of recycled materials in art, opening up opportunities for sustainable art projects.
2. Crowdsourced Art - The CDSea project highlights the power of crowdsourcing in creating large-scale art installations, paving the way for more collaborative art projects.
3. Interactive Light Displays - The CDSea's reflective surfaces producing stunning light displays demonstrate the potential for interactive light installations in the art industry.
Industry Implications
1. Recycling - The CDSea installation shows the potential for utilizing recycled materials in various industries, promoting innovation in the recycling sector.
2. Community Engagement - The CDSea project emphasizes the importance of community involvement in art, providing opportunities for businesses to create community engagement initiatives.
3. Lighting Technology - The CDSea's use of reflective materials presents opportunities for advancements in lighting technology and its application in different fields.

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