Foundation-Funding Feminine Fashion

Model Eve Salvail Designed Breast Cancer Shirts for Reitmans

Renowned rebellious model Eve Salvail and Canadian fashion retailer Reitmans are teaming up to produce these breast cancer shirts. The model, DJ and urban artist designed two t-shirts in four different colors for the Reitmans Collection, the net profits of which will go to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. This Canadian triple threat are uniting to support a future without breast cancer.

The disruptive fashion force was inspired by the mission and beauty of women, and felt compelled to use nature and animals to show off the feminine form. Using birds and giraffes, the flattering and elegant shirts are designed to make women from all walks of life look their best.

Whether this supermodel is singing, painting, DJing or drawing dark or beautiful things, she is bursting with creativity as evidenced with these breast cancer shirts.
Trend Themes
1. Feminine Fashion for a Cause - Opportunity to create fashion lines that support philanthropic causes like breast cancer awareness and research.
2. Animal-inspired Fashion - Incorporating animal and nature themes in fashion for unique and elegant designs.
3. Triple Threat Collaborations - Collaborations between designers, retailers, and philanthropic organizations to create impactful products and support causes.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Retail - Retailers can explore creating collections that support social causes.
2. Philanthropic Organizations - Opportunities to partner with fashion designers and retailers to create affordable products for fundraising.
3. Animal-inspired Art and Design - Animal and nature themes can be incorporated in different forms of art and design for unique and elegant products.

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