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This Breadbox Charging Station is Martha Stewart Approved

Just because the landscape of the home has changed in the past couple of generations to assume a more technological tier of prized possessions, it does not mean that cellphones and mp3 players can't be accommodated by more traditional domestic objects. This clever craft suggested by Better Homes and Gardens teaches organization enthusiasts how to make a delightful breadbox charging station.

The creative can begin by choosing a new or used flip top compartment and acquiring a power strip, MDF board and rubber grommets. Some power tools will come in handy to cut slots into the panel, behind which the power bar is kept connected your smartphone and iPod chargers. Messy cords are concealed, handsets are kept in a predictable location, and a helpful embellishment to the breadbox charging station would be the application of device type labels.
Trend Themes
1. Breadbox Charging Stations - Create innovative charging stations that blend technology with traditional domestic objects.
2. Organizational Crafts - Develop craft projects that promote organization and functionality in modern homes.
3. Cord Management Solutions - Design solutions to conceal messy cords and cables for a cleaner and more organized living space.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - Consumer electronics companies can explore opportunities to create unique charging solutions that integrate with everyday objects.
2. Home Decor - Home decor companies can offer innovative organizational craft projects to help consumers declutter and beautify their homes.
3. Smart Home Technology - Smart home technology manufacturers can develop cord management solutions that seamlessly blend with their product offerings.

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