Organic Algae Art

The Botanics 'Algaerium' Exhibit is a Homemade Marvel

The Botanics 'Algaerium' exhibit is another inventive move from the London go-to colorists and art trend prophets. The story behind Botanics 'Algaerium' sounds more fitting to a science project than an art installation; however, it is definitely art.

Creator Marin Sawa used her home biology set to create her own organic form of algaeic medium. The Botanics 'Algaerium' project explored the possibilities of natural color and texture within this new medium. The result is something completely new and outrageously original, making Botanics 'Algaerium' more of a revolution than simple art.
Trend Themes
1. Organic Algae Art - Innovative technology and art can combine to create organic, sustainable, and aesthetically pleasing pieces that are unique in texture and color.
2. DIY Biotechnology - Advancements in biotech and synthetic biology can provide artists with new materials to work with and even may revolutionize the art scene as biotechnology becomes more prevalent.
3. Sustainable Art - Using renewable and sustainable materials such as algae can become an innovative way to create art while contributing to environmental sustainability.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Traditional art and design could use biotechnology as a new medium, which could revolutionize the field.
2. Biotech - Algae, as a natural and self-sustaining organism, could have a bright future in biotech as a biofuel, nutrient for livestock, or even a source of food.
3. Environmental Science - Algae could also be used for wastewater treatment, and as a result, can reduce the cost of waste treatment to water companies and municipalities.

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