Blanket Social Businesses

Sackcloth & Ashes Donates Blankets for the Homeless for the Ones You Buy

There are lots of social enterprises out there that use a one for one model, from shoes to blankets for the homeless. Founded by Bob Dalton, Sackcloth & Ashes was established after his single mother began living on the streets in 2013. He chatted with several local homeless shelters in his area to see what they needed, and all of them said blankets.

The high quality blankets are sold in the United States in Canada. For every blanket you buy, another one is donated to your local shelter. The products come in a variety of designs and materials, including fleece, plaid alpaca and tribal. They also partnered with Christian social network Socality to release a special line of blankets for the homeless.
Trend Themes
1. One-for-one Model - The one-for-one model can be implemented in different industries to have a positive social impact while generating profits.
2. Social Enterprises - Social enterprises can offer both superior products and a social cause, attracting purpose-driven consumers.
3. Collaboration with Social Networks - Partnering with social networks can raise awareness and boost sales, while contributing to a social cause.
Industry Implications
1. Textile Industry - Companies in the textile industry can adopt a one-for-one model to have a positive social impact, while satisfying consumers' demand for eco-friendly and socially responsible products.
2. Footwear Industry - The footwear industry can adopt a one-for-one model as a strategy to not only make a social impact, but uplift their business footprints with their customers.
3. Social Media Industry - Social media platforms offer an opportunity to collaborate and raise awareness for social enterprises while simultaneously monetizing through a social cause.

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