Innovation From Nature

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Biomimicry: The Course

There is much to learn from nature and despite our best efforts (planning, spending, designing) humans are always outdone by creation. But now we can learn from the best - enter Biomimicry: The Course. This program is designed for biologists interested in studying biomimicry and copycatting design from nature. The course entails six intensive days of instruction -- from May 23rd to the 29th, 2007.

Implications - Biomimicry can be defined as "the examination of nature, its models, systems, processes, and elements to emulate or take inspiration from in order to solve human problems." The more people understand about nature, the more they can do to help conserve it.

Source: Wikipedia
Trend Themes
1. Biomimicry - Exploring nature-inspired design for solving human problems.
2. Nature-inspired Innovation - Utilizing nature's models, systems, and processes for innovative solutions.
3. Conservation Through Biomimicry - Applying biomimicry principles to protect and preserve the natural world.
Industry Implications
1. Biomedical Engineering - Developing medical devices and treatments inspired by biological systems.
2. Architecture - Designing buildings and structures based on nature's sustainable design.
3. Energy and Sustainability - Creating renewable energy solutions and sustainable technologies by mimicking nature's processes.

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