Dictator Cigarette Character Ads

The Bem Ser Integrative Health Campaign Advocates Freedom

The Bem Ser Integrative Health ad campaign cleverly likens the addictive powers of cigarettes to the grip Dictators have over whole nations. Illustrated on the burnt out cigs are such undemocratic rulers as Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro and Kim Jong-il. To better convey its clever meaning, the print ads read, "Your health deserves freedom."

Conceived and executed by dim&canzian, an ad agency based in São Paulo, Brasil, the Bem Ser Integrative Health ad campaign is quite clean and simple except for the cigarettes, which brings even more attention to them. It was art directed by Ale Parme with creative direction by Michele Dim D’Ippolito, Gabriel Araujo and Bruno Salgueiro. Flavio Luiz Nogueira illustrated the dictator characters.
Trend Themes
1. Anti-tobacco Messaging - The use of powerful imagery to convey the dangers of smoking opens opportunities for creative messaging and design.
2. Political Symbolism in Advertising - Incorporating political or historical references in advertisements can create greater impact and brand recognition.
3. Public Health Advocacy - Advertising initiatives that promote public health can drive awareness and change social behavior.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising and Marketing - Incorporating political and social messaging in ad campaigns can help brands resonate more with consumers.
2. Public Health Organizations - Efforts to promote healthier lifestyles and raise awareness about preventable illnesses can create opportunities for collaboration with brands.
3. Tobacco Industry - As more anti-smoking campaigns gain traction, there are opportunities for the tobacco industry to innovate and develop smoking cessation products or less harmful alternatives.

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