Women Demand Male Grooming

Metrosexual Inspiration

You can't blame David Beckham for starting the extreme male grooming trend; no, not because he's just blessed with the handsome-gene, but because you could actually blame his wife Victoria according to a new study. Everyone has seen a couple with a ridiculously good looking woman and a guy who looks sloppy or unclean, and then has likely thought, "What on earth is she doing with him?" If a woman makes the effort to get dolled up, it would make sense then he would do the same.

"It's long been said that behind every successful man is a strong woman," FindArticles says. "Certainly, that would help explain the metrosexual myth that many believe has been behind the stellar growth in men's grooming. Despite the increase in sales in recent years, many of today's men still lack the fashion sense or even just the simple drive to move beyond the bare grooming essentials they already know, like soap and shampoo. Most assuredly, behind the rise of today's metrosexual consumer is most a woman. Call her Marlena Makeover."

If a woman is going to put in the time and effort to look good, she wants her man to do the same -- out of courteousy, respect and, of course, adoration for his woman. A highly groomed man will attract a woman who values her own hygiene and appearance just as much. Like attracts like, even when it comes to mates.
Trend Themes
1. Male Grooming Trend - The trend of male grooming has been growing and women are demanding more of it, presenting an opportunity for businesses to cater to male grooming needs.
2. Metrosexual Myth - The belief that the metrosexual myth is causing a rise in male grooming trends presents an opportunity for companies to challenge gender norms and create inclusive marketing strategies.
3. Relationship-driven Grooming - The emphasis on the role of women in encouraging men to take care of their grooming presents an opportunity for companies to create relationship-driven grooming products and services.
Industry Implications
1. Personal Care - The demand for male grooming products that cater to the needs of male grooming trends provides businesses in the personal care industry the opportunity to innovate and create new products.
2. Fashion - The link between fashion and male grooming trends presents an opportunity for companies to collaborate and create products that cater to the male fashion and grooming needs of consumers.
3. Marketing & Advertising - The opportunity to challenge gender norms and create inclusive marketing strategies that cater to the male grooming needs of a diverse consumer base presents an opportunity for businesses in the marketing and advertising industry.

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