Marijuana-Promoting PSAs

Afroman Updates 'Because I Got High' For a Cause

Thirteen years after his chart-topping hit 'Because I Got High' was released, Afroman has created a new version of the song to support marijuana legalization.

Despite its catchy, upbeat hook, Because I Got High actually painted a bleak picture of what smoking pot will do to your productivity (hint: your room probably won't get cleaned). The updated version, which was created with the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws and Weedmaps, focuses on the positive effects of marijuana, from medical benefits to tax cuts. Everything from anxiety attacks to hangovers are, thanks to marijuana, a thing of the past.

The melody, lyrics and accompanying music video are just as playful and free-spirited as the original.
Trend Themes
1. Marijuana Legalization Advocacy - The updated PSA by Afroman reflects a growing trend towards positive and advocacy-based messaging for the legalization of marijuana.
2. Cannabis Industry Growth - The positive messaging around marijuana in the PSA creates an opportunity for continued growth in the cannabis industry, including dispensaries, product development, and agriculture.
3. Creative Marketing Campaigns - Afroman's updated 'Because I Got High' song showcases the potential for creative marketing strategies to generate attention and support for a cause or product.
Industry Implications
1. Cannabis - The updated PSA reflects the growing importance of the cannabis industry, in particular, the continued push for greater legalization and recreational use.
2. Advertising - The PSA highlights the potential for advertising agencies, marketing firms, and production companies to develop creative campaigns centered around social causes, including drug policy reform or legalization.
3. Music - Afroman's updated 'Because I Got High' song showcases the potential for music as a marketing tool while also highlighting the role of music in promoting social causes and policy reform.

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