Transgender Alcohol Ads

The Bearded Lady Bourbon Campaign Urges People to 'Stay Strong'

The Bearded Lady Bourbon campaign takes the name of this American whiskey to heart. It follows a traveling transgender individual from the airplane to the airport washroom. Although this might not seem very interesting at all, anyone who has flown by plane knows that this isn't necessarily the easiest form of travel no matter how much time it saves. From screaming children to strict custom officers and nosy gentlemen, it can be quite taxing. Hence the Bearded Lady Bourbon campaign's tag line, "Stay strong."

Conceived and executed by CumminsRoss, an ad agency based in Australia, the Bearded Lady Bourbon campaign was creative directed by Jason Ross with creative by Toby Cummings and Ed Howley. The hilarious images were styled by Etta Curry, shot by photographer Danny Cohen and retouched by Outpost.
Trend Themes
1. Traveling Challenges - Identifying opportunities to improve the travel experience, especially for marginalized communities such as transgender individuals.
2. Inclusive Advertising - Exploring ways to create advertising campaigns that represent and resonate with diverse audiences.
3. Humorous Marketing - Leveraging humor as an effective tool in advertising to capture attention and engage audiences.
Industry Implications
1. Travel & Tourism - Developing innovative solutions to address the pain points and challenges faced by travelers.
2. Marketing & Advertising - Integrating inclusive messaging and diverse representation in advertising campaigns to connect with a wider consumer base.
3. Photography & Retouching - Exploring new approaches in styling, photography, and retouching to create visually compelling and impactful ad campaigns.

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