Data-Distributing Glasses Apps

The Beam App is a Google Glass App That Lets Doctors Share Info

The Beam app is a powerful app that will help the healthcare sector in many ways. By utilizing Google Glass, it allows doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals the ability to share information rapidly and even directly consult with other professionals instantly through a video-to-video feed.

Essentially, what Beam does is it expedites the entire healthcare process. If a victim has suffered an injury images can be sent to doctors immediately using the Beam app interface. This will create a case number for that particular patient and doctors can then get to work immediately.

The app works better than a Google hangout call because of the speed and security of the network according to the creator Noor Siddiqui. Google Glass is making a lot of noise in the tech world and with ingenious inventions like this it’s easy to see why.
Trend Themes
1. Rapid Information Sharing - The Beam app enables quick and efficient sharing of information among healthcare professionals.
2. Real-time Consultation - The Beam app allows healthcare professionals to consult with each other instantly through video-to-video feed.
3. Enhanced Healthcare Process - The Beam app expedites the healthcare process by enabling immediate sharing of images and initiating prompt actions.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - The Beam app has disruptive innovation opportunities in improving collaboration and efficiency in the healthcare sector.
2. Technology - The Beam app showcases the potential of wearable technology like Google Glass for transforming communication and information sharing.
3. Telemedicine - The Beam app opens possibilities for telemedicine by facilitating remote consultations and diagnosis.

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