Bald Head Billboard Ads

Air New Zealand Seeks Shaven Heads for Ad Tattoos

Air New Zealand is looking for 50 frequent-flyers who are willing shave off their hair for two weeks and sport temporary tattoos on their bald heads.

This innovative type of advertising - "cranial billboards" -is the national airline’s way to give the "bald facts" on their new plans to speed up the checking in process. The airline’s marketing manager said, "How better to tell our customers that Air New Zealand is going to do something about (long check-in queues) ... than through messaging they can read while they’re standing in a queue themselves?"

They are willing to pay NZ$1000 or US$670 per head. Easy money.
Trend Themes
1. Cranial Billboards - Air New Zealand's innovative type of advertising using shaved heads with temporary tattoos provides an opportunity for other companies to utilize unconventional forms of advertising.
2. Alternative Advertising - The use of unconventional advertising such as temporary tattoos on shaved heads offers an opportunity for companies to stand out and differentiate themselves from competitors.
3. Disruptive Branding - Brands have an opportunity to create a disruptive impact by utilizing unique branding methods such as using bald heads for advertising purposes.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - The use of unconventional advertising may provide growth opportunities for the advertising industry.
2. Airline - The airline industry can use disruptive branding methods such as Air New Zealand's cranial billboards to differentiate themselves from competitors and gain a competitive advantage.
3. Marketing - The marketing industry has an opportunity to create new techniques and methods for disruptive branding and advertising, such as using unique spaces like bald heads to deliver messaging.

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