Savory Bacon Bites

These Creamy and Crunchy Bacon and Peanut Butter Snacks are Deep Fried Too

If you love bacon and peanut butter sandwiches as well as anything deep fried, you will be all about this recipe. From Nick Chipman of DudeFoods, the Deep Fried Bacon-Wrapped Peanut Butter balls are the perfect combination of savory foods.

To make your own at home, first spoon some PB into an ice cube tray and freeze, so your get nice hard cubes to work with. Then dip them into flour, egg wash and Panko bread crumbs before wrapping the bites with bacon strips (he used maple bacon) and deep frying.

The DudeFoods blog previously featured deep fried peanut butter, but this bacon version takes things to a whole new level. A sped-up video of how to make the bacon and peanut butter snacks can be watched on Instagram.
Trend Themes
1. Deep Fried Snacks - The trend of deep frying various snacks offers opportunities for creating unique and indulgent flavor combinations.
2. Bacon Innovations - Bacon continues to inspire innovative recipes, including unconventional pairings like bacon and peanut butter.
3. Creative Food Combinations - The trend of combining unexpected flavors, such as bacon and peanut butter, opens up possibilities for unique and memorable culinary experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry has the opportunity to capitalize on the growing demand for deep-fried snacks and unique flavor combinations.
2. Convenience Stores - Convenience stores can embrace the trend of deep fried snacks to offer indulgent and on-the-go options that appeal to customers craving unique flavors.
3. Recipe Bloggers and Cookbooks - Recipe bloggers and cookbook authors can explore the trend of bacon innovations, creating and sharing innovative recipes that incorporate bacon in unexpected ways.

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