Deciding Educational Infographics

The 'Back to School Time?' Infographic Evaluates Master Programs

In the time of economic depression, more people are known to go back to school in order to increase the worth of their resumes; the 'Back to School Time?' infographic focuses on the career choices on might be mindful of when considering whether they should go back to school or not. In this infographic, it is noted that some of the best degrees surround professions like doctors, engineers and health care administrators.

While some of the least paid professions include degrees in english, music and architecture. With this in mind, the 'Back to School Time?' infographic focuses on the income of each profession and whether or not this is a deciding factor in increasing your educational knowledge.
Trend Themes
1. Career Choice Infographics - Infographics that provide insights and guidance on career choices based on education.
2. Upskilling Infographics - Infographics that highlight the benefits of upskilling and obtaining additional education.
3. Salary-based Degree Infographics - Infographics that showcase the salary potential of various degrees and professions.
Industry Implications
1. Education - Educational institutions and online learning platforms could leverage these infographics to attract potential students.
2. Human Resources - HR departments in companies can use these infographics to provide guidance to their employees on upskilling and career growth.
3. Marketing - Marketing agencies can create these infographics as a resource for their clients to showcase the potential ROI of obtaining a certain degree or upskilling in a specific area.

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