Film Remixed Tunes

The Baby Got Back Sung by the Movies Short is Witty

A YouTube channel has put together a video that features Sir Mix-A-Lot’s Baby Got Back sung by the movies. This highly entertaining piece of work was created by Don Draper Says What, a YouTube user that seems to have a lot of time on their hands.

Stringing together 295 movies, this user recreates the popular 90s hit Baby Got Back by Sir Mix-a-Lot in a flawless manner. Each word or phrase is said by a different character from various films. The timing is almost perfect with each clip, so much so that it almost seems like those actors were actually singing the hit song.

If you click the closed caption button on the bottom right of the video, you’ll be able to see which movies were sampled to make this hilarious music video.
Trend Themes
1. Movie Remixes - There is a growing trend of remixing movie clips to create unique and entertaining videos.
2. User-generated Music Videos - Users are creatively using movie clips to produce music videos, showcasing the potential for user-generated content as a disruptive innovation in the music industry.
3. Seamless Editing Techniques - The use of precise timing and seamless editing in movie remixes is pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved in video editing, presenting opportunities for advancements in editing software and techniques.
Industry Implications
1. Film and Entertainment - The film industry can explore collaborations with user-generated content creators to leverage their creativity and expand the reach of their movies.
2. Music - Music industry professionals can tap into the trend of user-generated music videos to engage with fans and discover new talent.
3. Video Editing Software - The demand for more advanced and user-friendly video editing software is increasing due to the growing popularity of movie remixes and other creative video productions.

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