Wes Anderson-Inspired Cafes

ASKA Design Firm Create a Pastel-Colored Cafe

ASKA design firm has transformed a restaurant space into an inviting and aesthetically pronounced vegan breakfast joint. The restaurant is called Cafe Banacado and is an intimate 70-square-foot cafe. Lead designer Polina Sandström drew inspiration primarily from Wes Anderson's films and the Cuban aesthetic.

The color palette chosen for the restaurant was warm hues of yellow, pink, and cream - deliberately chosen to make space feel like a cafe in a Southern, sun-filled climate. The cafe is completed with built-in benches, checkered floors, and mirrors which draws on a Cuban sensibility. It is further decorated with vintage polaroid pictures to evoke a sense of nostalgia and was designed using a one-point perspective that draws on Wes Anderson's symmetrical aesthetic.

Cafe Banacado serves plant-based breakfast food all day long.
Trend Themes
1. Wes Anderson-inspired Design - Opportunity for businesses to draw inspiration from Wes Anderson's distinctive aesthetics to visualize and manifest their brand identities in unconventional ways.
2. Vintage Nostalgia - An opportunity for businesses to incorporate vintage designs with modern designs and create eclectic themes that evoke nostalgia while generating a sense of novelty.
3. Warm Hues - An opportunity for businesses to redesign their spaces using warm hues of yellow, pink, and cream which creates an inviting and comfortable atmosphere.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality Industry - The opportunity to create hotels, Airbnbs, or restaurants that are inspired by filmmakers, which can elevate the customer experience and create a unique brand identity.
2. Café and Bakery Industry - An opportunity for cafes to redesign their spaces using warm hues and incorporate vintage designs while serving plant-based breakfast food and coffee to create a cozy and nostalgic atmosphere.
3. Interior Design Industry - An opportunity for interior designers to draw inspiration from filmmakers and create custom designs that are visually striking and unexpected, thereby creating unique and memorable spaces.

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