Captivating Deserted City Photographs

The Artsy Manhattan Blackout Photos are Beautifully Captured

ANIMALNewYork decided to take advantage of the power outage that Hurricane Sandy caused throughout New York and capture Artsy Manhattan Blackout photos.

Aymann Ismail went around the semi-deserted Manhattan streets that were shrouded in darkness and snapped away at the infrastructures left to fend for themselves. Among his photos are the glitzy Empire State Building surrounded by sci-fi laser beams and dazzling electricity lines made from toying with the lighting from car headlights and other lamps. There is also a lonely food vendor cart, positioned at the corner of a dark street. Though there is no one there, it still hums with a luminescent glow that promises to satisfyingly fill your stomach.

Though Hurricane Sandy was a tragedy and New York still has a long way to go before it recovers, the Artsy Manhattan Blackout photos are a way of finding beauty in the despair.
Trend Themes
1. Hurricane Sandy Disaster Photography - Opportunity to capture stunning and unique photographs during and after natural disasters.
2. Exploring Dark Urban Landscapes - Finding beauty and creativity in twilight and nighttime cityscapes.
3. Light Manipulation in Photography - Utilizing artificial and natural light sources to create visually striking images.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Innovating new approaches to capturing unique moments and scenes.
2. Disaster Relief - Providing creative documentation and fundraising tools during and after natural disasters.
3. Arts and Entertainment - Exploring new possibilities for artistic expression in photography and urban landscapes.

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