Pro Pencil Sharpening Services

David Rees' Artisanal Pencil Sharpening Business is Dead Serious

David Rees is a cartoonist who, prior to his Artisanal Pencil Sharpening service, was most famous for clip-art comic Get Your War On. Rees' latest venture promises to sharpen your pencils by hand, recalling the age-old craft that electric sharpeners made obsolete. Yes, he's serious.

The Artisanal Pencil Sharpening website even features testimonials from satisfied customers. For $12, you'll get a pencil personally sharpened by David Rees.

Implications - The craftsman can be seen within the gallery, hard at work, sharpening pencils to perfection. When he sharpens a pencil for you, you even get the shavings in a little plastic baggy. David Rees claims that by sending the shavings back, you know your pencil has been properly sharpened with quality and care.
Trend Themes
1. Artisanal Pencil Sharpening Services - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Exploring the demand for personalized, hand-sharpened pencils in a digital age.
2. Revival of Traditional Crafts - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Reintroducing artisanal skills and craftsmanship to modern consumers who appreciate the value of handmade products.
3. Niche Personalization Services - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Capitalizing on the growing trend of offering niche services that cater to individual preferences and needs.
Industry Implications
1. Stationery and Office Supplies - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporating personalized pencil sharpening services into the stationery and office supplies industry.
2. Art and Craft - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Offering artisanal pencil sharpening as a premium service for artists and craftspeople looking for precise and customized tools.
3. Online Marketplace Platforms - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Creating an online platform that connects consumers with skilled pencil sharpeners, providing personalized sharpening services on a larger scale.

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