Salvaged Scrap Closets

The Eco-Friendly Armadiature by Robi Renzi

Repurposing materials is nothing new but we are currently seeing more and more designers using this method to create intriguing new pieces. Armadiature by Robi Renzi is a line of armoires made from salvaged wooden scraps.

Renzi assembles the recycled wood like a jigsaw puzzle into unique and creative cabinets. A mixture of textures and styles creates an interesting collage. There are identifiable pieces like doors, old vanities and ornate table legs alongside decorative scraps that don't have immediately clear origins.
Trend Themes
1. Repurposed Furniture - The trend of repurposing materials to create innovative and unique furniture designs.
2. Sustainable Design - The trend of utilizing salvaged and recycled materials to reduce waste and environmental impact in design.
3. Mixed Media Collages - The trend of combining diverse textures and styles to create visually striking and one-of-a-kind pieces.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Design - Opportunity for furniture designers to create innovative and eco-friendly pieces using repurposed materials.
2. Home Decor - Opportunity for home decor manufacturers to offer sustainable and eco-conscious furniture options.
3. Art and Design - Opportunity for artists and designers to explore mixed media techniques and create unique collages using salvaged materials.

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