3D Print Ads

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Arcor Bubble Gum

What an absolutely simple yet utterly creative and fun print ad. You open your magazine, and an ad for Arcor Bubble Gum pops up in your face, just like the real gum does. The ad was created by Leo Burnett advertising agency in Brazil and photographed by Dercílio Vanzelli. With an ad like this, you can save up on costs by getting a not so expensive face model. Check the similarly creative Levi's Eco Jeans ads below.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Print Ads - This trend highlights the use of interactive elements in traditional print advertising, creating a more immersive experience for consumers.
2. Augmented Reality in Advertising - The use of augmented reality technology in print ads allows brands to engage consumers in a unique and interactive way, blurring the line between physical and digital marketing.
3. Innovative Print Advertisements - Brands are exploring unconventional and creative approaches to print advertising, capturing attention and standing out in a crowded marketplace.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - The advertising industry can leverage interactive print ads to enhance brand messaging and engage consumers in a more dynamic way.
2. Printing and Publishing - The printing and publishing industry can embrace innovative print advertisements to attract more clients and differentiate their services from digital alternatives.
3. Marketing and Branding - The marketing and branding industry has an opportunity to adopt augmented reality in advertising to create memorable and impactful campaigns that resonate with consumers.

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