Anti-Theft Umbrellas

The Uberella Has a Locking Handle to Secure Your Rain Refuge in Public

Not everybody has been so unlucky to be left high and less-than-dry during a storm, but this anti-theft umbrella would still be a valuable investment for many. I've certainly been left minus-one umbrella on a particularly rainy night, resulting in a very wet walk home from a bar.

The solution developed by Wu Da-Chung, Chen Gary and Huang Chun-Chieh was to create a closable loop with the handgrip, and one that can be securely fastened shut. A cylindrical combination lock is integrated, enabling you to hang and clasp your sheltering accessory to banisters, railings, chair backs and table legs. The winner of a 2014 Red Dot Design Award, this anti-theft umbrella protects a fairly inexpensive possession, but the implications of keeping it close mean you'll show up to important appointments looking fresh, crisp and dry when showers are forecasted.
Trend Themes
1. Anti-theft Umbrellas - The integration of locks and secure fastening mechanisms on umbrellas to prevent theft.
2. Secure Accessories - The development of products with built-in security features to protect personal belongings.
3. Smart Personal Items - The trend of adding smart features to everyday items for enhanced functionality and convenience.
Industry Implications
1. Outdoor Gear - Opportunity for outdoor gear manufacturers to innovate by incorporating anti-theft features in their products.
2. Travel and Tourism - Potential for travel and tourism industry to offer secure accessories to protect valuables while on the go.
3. Consumer Electronics - Opportunity for electronics manufacturers to create smart personal items that provide added convenience and security.

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