Tattooed Pet Portraits

Anita Kunz Depicts a Cat & Dog with Impressive Oriental Body Art

I’m pretty sure tattooing your pet would be considered a form of animal cruelty, but luckily enough for viewers, Anita Kunz has done so visually so that no one ever has to do it in real life. Titled ‘The Marked,’ these two illustrations feature a dog and cat, both hairless, who have been adorned with oriental-style body art. The tiny pooch has a tiger etched onto his skin while the cat has a koi fish engraved on its epidermis. Bizarre? Sure, but there’s no denying that it catches audiences’ attention.

Notable about these two Anita Kunz compositions is its use of a muted color palette. The paintings have an almost renaissance feel thanks to its faded look, along with Kunz’s masterful execution of her subjects. And the vibrant colors of the tattoos subtly pop from both the cat and dog’s skin, culminating in stunning pictures.
Trend Themes
1. Animal-inspired Body Art - The trend towards animal-inspired body art opens up opportunities for body art professionals to explore new and creative designs that are both unique and meaningful.
2. Digital Pet Portraits - The trend towards using digital tools to create pet portraits provides an opportunity for artists to create highly-detailed and customizable pieces that capture the unique personality of each individual pet.
3. Muted Color Palette - The trend towards using muted color palettes in art and design creates opportunities for artists to experiment with new color schemes and create unique and impactful visuals.
Industry Implications
1. Pet Services - As more pet owners seek to celebrate the unique personalities of their pets through custom artwork, the pet services industry could benefit from offering tailored services to meet this demand.
2. Art and Design - The trend towards animal-inspired body art and digital pet portraits creates opportunities for artists and designers to explore new mediums and techniques in their work.
3. Body Art - As the popularity of animal-inspired body art continues to grow, there is an opportunity for body art professionals to develop new and innovative designs that tap into this trend.

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