Costumed Children Cartoons

Amy Mullen Illustrates Kids Dressed as Beloved Superheroes

Seeing children dress up in costumes is one of the most adorable sights known to mankind, and Amy Mullen takes that cuteness and amplifies it in her minimalist renderings of kids dressed as superheroes. With facial features comprised of circles and squiggles, blocked torsos and colorful costumes, each one of Mullen’s cartoons look as though they belong in a Sunday morning comic strip. It’s also hilarious to see the boys in this collection all adorned with mop top hairdos that eat up more than half of their heads.

Amy Mullen has prints of these illustrations available for sale via her Etsy store. Personally, I think they are great as they make viewers realize just how juvenile superhero costumes look on adults. The logic of concealing one’s identity while running around in colorful disguises just never made that much sense.
Trend Themes
1. Minimalist Children's Illustrations - Opportunity for digital media companies to create minimalist children's illustrations that are popular, accessible, and affordable
2. Superhero Costumes for Children - Opportunity for apparel industries to redesign superhero costume clothing to be comfortable and affordable for children
3. Superhero-themed Children's Parties - Opportunity for event planning industries to create superhero-themed children's parties that incorporate more minimalist and affordable costume ideas
Industry Implications
1. Digital Illustration - Opportunity to create and sell affordable digital illustrations of children dressed in costumes
2. Apparel - Opportunity to design and manufacture superhero costumes for children that are comfortable, affordable, and easy to wear
3. Event Planning - Opportunity to create superhero-themed children's parties that include more affordable and minimalist costume ideas

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