Glasses That Translate

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The Translayferers

Lame name but, cool idea. The Translayferers. A gadget that combines Babel Fish with sunglasses.

Kyle Lawson won Gizmodo's Made in Eureka contest by submitting his idea for an automatic language translator. Whatever writing the wearer sees can be translated and re-displayed into any language. This would allow tourists to understand signs and menus - the very basics of getting around in an international city.

Implications - Dual or multi-purpose products are on the rise as a direct result of the move towards a tech-savvy, convenience-oriented world. Businesses that incorporate other products outside their usual realm and create products prefaced with the words "hybrid" or "all-in-one" will generate significant consumer interest as buyers are looking to simplify their everyday routines.
Trend Themes
1. Dual-purpose Products - Creating products prefaced with the words 'hyrbid' or 'all-in-one' will generate significant consumer interest.
2. Wearable Translation Technology - There is a growing demand for wearable technology that can assist with communication barriers.
3. Smart Eyewear - The integration of translation technology in smart eyewear presents an opportunity for innovation.
Industry Implications
1. Travel and Tourism - The Translayferers has the potential to disrupt the travel industry by improving communication for tourists in international cities.
2. Tech Accessories - As the popularity of wearable technology is on the rise, there is an opportunity for the creation of more accessories with translation features.
3. Eyewear - Incorporating translation technology into eyewear presents a new area of innovation for the eyewear industry.

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