The Selfies Seen 'Round the World

Trend Hunter Enters the Alcatel ONETOUCH Unexpected Casting Call (SPONSORED)

We couldn't resist, really. There's not a single Trend Hunter in our office who doesn't like taking selfies. In fact, we usually compete at events or outings to see who can take the best ones, then post them on our social channels for bragging rights and office glory. When we caught wind of the Alcatel ONETOUCH Unexpected Casting Call, it was a no-brainer to enter.

During a recent office shaker, the team came together to showcase our selfie-taking skills. Some of us got wild, some went full on geek, while other chose the naughty route (sorry, can’t post those ones). We got right in to the spirit of competition. One-upping became the theme of the day. And faster than Bieber can say, "I think I was detrimental to my own career", we were submitting to the Unexpected Casting page in hopes of being the face of their global ad campaign. Dreams of being on billboards might come true for some of us. Only time will tell. One thing’s for sure though: we had a blast getting out of our comfort zone, putting on our creative pants and letting loose in the name of competition and endless bragging rights.

Think you can take better selfies than us? Prove it. Let’s see what you really got. Head over to Alcatel ONETOUCH and enter for your chance to one-up Trend Hunter, or better yet, be the global face of an ad campaign.
Trend Themes
1. Selfie-taking Skills - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop a mobile app or device that enhances and automates the process of taking high-quality selfies.
2. Social Media Competitions - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create a platform that hosts social media competitions, allowing brands and individuals to engage in friendly competition for exposure and recognition.
3. Creative Self-expression - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design a virtual reality experience that enables users to express their creativity and unique personality through immersive self-portraits.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Invent a smartphone with advanced camera features specifically optimized for capturing perfect selfies.
2. Digital Marketing - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop AI-powered algorithms that can analyze and recommend the most visually appealing selfies for brand advertising campaigns.
3. Augmented Reality - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create an augmented reality app that allows users to overlay unique and customizable filters and effects on their selfies, enhancing their visual appeal.

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