Aircraft Component Furniture

The Airbus 'A Piece of Sky' Shop Sells Decor Made from Aircraft Parts

The Airbus 'A Piece of Sky' online shop has been launched by the Europe-based company as a way for it to sell high-fashion furniture pieces to consumers that all have a distinctly upcycled aviation aesthetic. Each of the one-of-a-kind furniture and light products are crafted from aircraft parts that have reached the end of their life and find new life as a piece of unique decor. The initiative was supported by the Airbus BizLab and is the brainchild of Anaïs Mazaleyrat and Jérémy Brousseau who first came up with the idea at an Airbus Internal Training program at the Leadership University in Toulouse.

The Airbus 'A Piece of Sky' online shop includes a total of 22 furniture prototypes created by Mazaleyrat and Brousseau, and are available now for preorder with a projected delivery set for 2020.
Trend Themes
1. Upcycled Furniture - The trend of repurposing aircraft parts into high-fashion furniture pieces presents disruptive innovation opportunities for companies in the furniture manufacturing industry to tap into the growing demand for sustainable and unique decor.
2. Aviation Aesthetic - The trend of incorporating aviation-inspired designs into furniture and decor provides disruptive innovation opportunities for companies in the interior design industry to cater to consumers seeking a distinctive and stylish aesthetic.
3. Circular Economy - The trend of utilizing end-of-life aircraft parts to create new and functional products highlights disruptive innovation opportunities for companies in the sustainability sector to contribute to the circular economy by reducing waste and promoting upcycling.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Manufacturing - The furniture manufacturing industry can capitalize on the trend of upcycled aircraft component furniture by incorporating sustainable materials and creating unique, eco-friendly designs.
2. Interior Design - The interior design industry can leverage the trend of aviation aesthetic furniture to offer clients innovative decor options that combine functionality with a stylish and aviation-inspired look.
3. Sustainability - The sustainability sector can tap into the trend of repurposing aircraft parts by developing new processes and technologies to efficiently transform waste materials into valuable and marketable products that contribute to a circular economy.

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