Wi-Fi Allergies

Santa Fe Electro-Sensitivity

Get out your tin foil hats, everybody. A new affliction known as "electro-sensitivity" is causing a stir in Santa Fe. A group in the New Mexico capital is claiming to have allergies to Wi-Fi resulting in all sorts of troubles including chest pains that lasts for days. They claim that providing Wi-Fi in public buildings is a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act and they want the signals shut down.

City councilor Ron Trujillo said, "It's not 1692, it's 2008. Santa Fe needs to embrace this technology, it's not going away."

I guess nobody informed the "electro-sensitives" that TV, radio, cell phones, remote controls, walkie talkies, automobile keyless entry, cordless phones, wireless mice, (should I go on?) all operate on radio frequencies just like Wi-Fi. Regardless, the city attorney is looking into the matter and will deliver a statement by the end of the month.
Trend Themes
1. Electro-sensitivity - Offering alternatives to Wi-Fi technology such as wired internet connection.
2. EMF Awareness - Developing educational programs for public health and safety concerning the use of electromagnetic fields.
3. Smart Building Innovations - Developing technologies that reduce the impact of electromagnetic fields, like the use of wired connections in public buildings.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - Offering alternative treatment plans to people who are sensitive to electromagnetic fields.
2. Technology - Developing safer alternatives and education towards the use of Wi-Fi technology for the general population.
3. Environmental Sustainability - Designing building architectures and standardized practices to reduce the impact and exposure from electromagnetism and radio frequencies.

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