Abandoned Future City

San Zhi, Taiwan

As architecture evolves we often assume the infallibility of modern design. San Zhi, Taiwan is an abandoned future city which shows us that jumping on trend too quickly can result in failure. Curious.

"The local papers say there were numerous accidents during its construction, and as news spread to the urbanites of the island state, nobody wanted to vacation there, much less visit. Locals say the area is now haunted by those who died in vain and because they are not remembered, they linger there unable to pass on." - Transim
Trend Themes
1. Abandoned Futuristic Architecture - The failure of San Zhi, Taiwan as an abandoned future city highlights the need for careful consideration and planning in implementing futuristic architectural designs.
2. Cautionary Tales of Premature Trends - The abandoned future city of San Zhi serves as a reminder to businesses of the risks involved in jumping on trends too quickly without proper assessment and evaluation.
3. Balancing Innovation and Practicality - The story of San Zhi, Taiwan prompts businesses to find the right balance between embracing innovative design concepts and ensuring practicality and market acceptance.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture and Design - The architectural industry can learn from the failure of San Zhi, Taiwan by focusing on meticulous planning and more comprehensive risk assessments before implementing futuristic architectural designs.
2. Tourism and Hospitality - The abandoned future city of San Zhi, Taiwan serves as a cautionary tale for the tourism and hospitality industry, reminding businesses to consider market demand and perception when investing in futuristic destinations.
3. Urban Planning and Development - The tale of San Zhi, Taiwan highlights the importance for urban planners and developers to strike a balance between innovation and practicality, ensuring that futuristic city concepts are not just visually appealing but also sustainable and feasible.

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