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Stunning Images of Nature Electrified

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Nature is Illuminated

Marvel at these breath-taking images of nature which have been electrocuted in the name of science, without the use of camera or computer manipulation.

San Franciscan artist Robert Buelteman worked on the pain- staking process as part of his residency at Stanford University's Jasper Ridge Biological preserve.

The dangerous and rare technique, which was popular in the 1930's, involves using the kirlian photography method and a whopping 80,000 volts being coursed through the plants.

The process is considered so painstaking, not to mention dangerous, few people attempt it. One image can take up to 150 attempts.

To achieve these awe-inspiring results the flowers, leaves and twigs are broken down using a scalpel until they are nearly transparent. Each sample colour is then laid on transparent film, covered with a diffusion screen on a piece of sheet metal in between plexiglas, floating in liquid silicone.

Then the plants are zapped with the electrical current to make these images which are hand painted with white light shining through and optical fibre.

The striking images are published in a book entitled 'Signs of Life'.

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