Secretive 60s Photography

Vivian Maier Captured Over 100,000 Rolleiflex Portraits Before Her Death

It is commonly believed that an artist is never truly appreciated until after death and that is especially the case of Vivian Maier and her collection of 60s photography. But that is not the fault of the public, but due entirely to the fact that she kept her hobby a secret her entire life. Her 60s photography was only discovered after a real estate agent bought her storage trunk at an auction, which was loaded with over 100,000 street life portraits.

Shot on her Rolleiflex, the 60s photography is incredibly insightful. Focusing on candid moments with the odd capture of herself in a mirror that recalls the world's current obsession with selfies, the images are full of life and beauty.
Trend Themes
1. Secret Photography - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in developing covert photography technologies for personal or security purposes.
2. Rediscovered Art - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in uncovering hidden artistic talents posthumously through the discovery and promotion of unknown artists' works.
3. Nostalgic Revival - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in capitalizing on the public's fascination with rediscovering and celebrating past eras, such as the 60s, through art and cultural artifacts.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in creating new and advanced camera technologies that cater to the needs of covert photography enthusiasts.
2. Art Market - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the art market by identifying and promoting previously unknown artists and their works, turning their discoveries into valuable investments.
3. Cultural Heritage - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in preserving and promoting cultural artifacts, allowing the public to explore and appreciate the past through exhibitions, galleries, and online platforms.

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