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Scientists Create First Ever 3D Map of the Brain

We don’t really know much about our most important organ, but now scientists have made a step forward in our own self discovery by creating the first 3D map of the brain. Professor Van Wedeen at Harvard, who specializes in radiology, has mapped the ‘connectome’ - a circuit diagram of all the neurons in the brain.

This 3D map of the brain will help to further research into everything from the imagination, language and mental illness. Now that is definitely something to think about. The mapping process has yet to be tried on the human brain; so far only owl monkies, rabbits and mice brains have been mapped.
Trend Themes
1. Brain Mapping - Innovative brain mapping techniques can be explored and integrated into medical and therapeutic practices.
2. Neuroscience Research - Neuroscience researchers can take advantage of these brain mapping findings to deepen understanding of human behavior and cognition.
3. Artificial Intelligence - AI can leverage these 3D mapping discoveries to design and develop intelligent medical devices or AI-powered treatments to address cognitive issues.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare Industry - Brain mapping and neuroscience research have immense potential to disrupt current healthcare practices and treatments.
2. Technology Industry - Artificial intelligence and machine learning companies can explore the use of this technology to enhance healthcare and clinical research.
3. Pharmaceutical Industry - The pharmaceutical industry can benefit from brain mapping discoveries to develop advanced treatments for mental illness, dementia, and other neurological conditions.

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