Holiday Internet Shopping Projections

Acquire Valuable Info On 2012 Online Black Friday Spending

According to this infographic depicting projections for the 2012 online Black Friday spending, from November 23rd until New Year's day, it is estimated that $96 billion will be spent.

With the advanced technological upgrades that many phones have received over the past couple months, a lot more Americans will turn to their mobiles to check out deals. As well as people who own tablets tend to spend an average of $123 when they shop online, which is $21 more than laptop users. On days like Black Friday or Boxing Day when malls are overrun with people, it is a lot easier on the nerves to shop from home. However, the downside to 2012 online Black Friday shopping is slow sites due to high traffic. More people abandon the items left in their Internet carts than their actual metal retail carts.
Trend Themes
1. Increased Mobile Shopping - Mobile phone upgrades present an opportunity for retailers to optimize their platforms for mobile shopping and offer exclusive deals for mobile users.
2. Tablet Shopping Preference - Retailers can capitalize on consumers' preference for shopping on tablets by creating seamless tablet shopping experiences and personalized recommendations.
3. Improving Website Performance - Investing in website infrastructure and optimizing site performance can reduce cart abandonment rates and improve the overall online shopping experience.
Industry Implications
1. E-commerce - E-commerce platforms can leverage the trend of increased mobile shopping by developing user-friendly mobile apps and optimizing their websites for mobile browsing.
2. Technology - Technology companies can focus on developing innovative features and upgrades for mobile devices and tablets to enhance the online shopping experience.
3. Web Development - Web development firms can offer services to help optimize website performance and streamline the checkout process, reducing cart abandonment rates.

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