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The ‘15 Things You Didn’t Know About The Tongue’ Infograph

Upon close inspection, the tongue is an extremely odd and unexplained organ, and the ‘15 Things You Didn’t Know About the Tongue’ infographic aims to bring some clarity to the conversation. Although the tongue is a multipurpose tool that allows individuals to talk, taste and make funny faces, many individuals know next to nothing about it.

On average, women have shorter tongues than their male counterparts at about 2.76 inches long. Competing with male tongues is the blue whale, who currently boasts the largest tongue in the animal kingdom. For those that have ever wondered where the saying "cat got your tongue" originated from, the 15 Things You Didn’t Know About the Tongue infographic explains its meaning.

Generally speaking, each tongue boasts 10,000 taste buds, 600 different kinds of bacteria and a unique shape similar to a fingerprint. Next time you are enjoying your favorite flavor of ice cream, remember to thank the taste buds that fuel your hunger and insatiable appetite.
Trend Themes
1. Tongue Anatomy Research - There is an opportunity for companies to invest in innovative research and development of new products related to the anatomy and functions of the tongue, such as personalized oral care products.
2. Bacteria-free Oral Care - The infographic highlights the presence of 600 different kinds of bacteria in the tongue, which presents possibilities for companies to develop products to promote bacteria-free oral care.
3. Educational Infographics - As shown in this infographic, there is a growing interest in educational infographics, and companies can use this trend to create engaging and informative content for their customers.
Industry Implications
1. Oral Care - The information presented in this infographic opens up opportunities for innovation in the oral care industry, especially in the creation of personalized products and solutions.
2. Education - As educational infographics gain popularity, there is an opportunity for companies in the education industry to create innovative and interactive content for their customers.
3. Food and Beverage - The information presented in this infographic can inspire companies in the food and beverage industry to delve deeper into the science of taste and flavor and develop new and unique products based on this research.

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