Upcycled Volleyball Trophies

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This Plastic Trophy Aims to Promote Sustainability Of Oceans

Volleyball World, an innovative partnership between the Federation Internationale de Volleyball (FIVB) and CVC Capital Partners, used the occasion of the finals of the 2022 Beach Pro Tour in Qatar to unveil a unique volleyball trophy that wasn't made out of standard materials like gold or silver, but was instead crafted out of plastic sourced from the very beaches on which the sport is played.

Created as part of a campaign spearheaded by Ogilvy Amsterdam, this volleyball trophy doesn't merely denote sporting excellence but also acts as a powerful driver of the message to protect the world's oceans and beaches from the scourge of plastic waste. The creation of the trophy is coupled with an ad campaign that speaks to the importance of removing plastic from beaches and oceans, whilst also showcasing how the trophies were created.

The design of the trophy is inspired by the flowing dynamism of volleyball interspersed with hints of movement akin to ocean waves. It was designed by none other than The New Raw, a company with noted expertise in turning plastic waste into beautiful and utilitarian products.
Trend Themes
1. Sustainable Trophies - Creating trophies out of upcycled materials to promote environmental sustainability can disrupt the trophy industry and promote eco-friendly practices.
2. Plastic Upcycling - Upcycling plastic waste into functional and aesthetically pleasing products can disrupt the recycling industry and offer new environmentally friendly products.
3. Ocean Conservation Messaging - Using sports trophies as a platform to promote the need for ocean conservation can disrupt traditional messaging strategies and raise awareness for environmental issues.
Industry Implications
1. Trophy Manufacturing - Trophy companies can pivot to offer sustainable trophies, using upcycled materials and eco-friendly manufacturing processes to differentiate themselves and appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.
2. Recycling - Recycling companies can expand their operations to offer upcycling services and partner with brands to reduce plastic waste and promote a circular economy.
3. Advertising - Advertising agencies can promote environmental initiatives through creative campaigns that utilize unconventional materials, like upcycled plastic, to raise awareness for ocean conservation and encourage sustainable practices.

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